Uğur Kellecioğlu

Projects page 1 - Uğur Kellecioğlu

Tivit Engage

Tivit Engage

Apr 23, 2023
Engage with people around the world with Tivit Engage
Proposal Up

Proposal Up

Apr 20, 2023
Ai product that helps you to create proposals, answers to questions, and more.
Think With AI

Think With AI

Apr 15, 2023
AI for LinkedIn
Find If You Can Logo

Find If You Can

Dec 12, 2022
How I Created a Secure Web Application with Nuxt, Express, and nginx"
Minik Logo


Jul 17, 2022
Minik is a URL shortener. Difference between others and Minik is that Minik provides free customization for your url. Minik is written in Javascript using Vue 3 and Netlify Cloud Functions. There is no server.
Asinpan Logo


Apr 5, 2022
Asinpan.com is a web application that provides automation for searching skus on Amazon. I built the whole front end infrastructure and implemented highly scalable and performant components."
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